Stay classy at prom 2012

Stay classy at prom 2012

Cayla Vitro, Ranger Review Reporter

Schools in Colorado are beginning to ban wearing inappropriate dresses to prom. There are dresses coming out this season that are barely covering anything. The tops look like a bra with glittery strings that come down the torso and connect to lightweight fabric that flows to the ground. Schools are saying that anyone who shows up to the dance in a dress that they deem inappropriate will not be allowed in. So far Lewis-Palmer hasn’t sent out any warnings of this nature, however I believe they should.

Girls do not need to be wearing over-revealing dresses to a school dance regardless of if it is on school grounds or not. Showing off your body in that way is disrespectful to yourself and to others around you. Schools should be able to ban students from wearing outfits that are revealing if they are to that extreme.

It is nearly impossible to get onto any prom dress website without seeing sheer dresses or a revealing torso and chest. Why is it that girls feel the need to dress in such a way? No one needs to see their body that revealed.

Sandi Brandl, principle of Lewis-Palmer, said that the dresses worn to prom have to go along with the school’s basic dress code. There may be some leniency, but for the most part it will be the same.

“No cleavage or midriffs should be showing along with any backsides showing,” Brandl said. Over the years there hasn’t been much of a problem, but with the growing fashion there could be one soon.

Brandl believes that this is more than fair. The dress code still applies even if we are off campus, because we are still taking part in a school activity. Dresses worn to prom should be appropriate, not only for the sake of staying out of trouble, but for the simple fact of respecting yourself and your body. Cover up girls, stay classy.