The disappearing orchestra


Max Wyman plays a tune on his bass. He’s one of two bass players in the LPHS Orchestra.

Kristen Miller, Ranger Review Reporter

The LPHS Orchestra has only been at the school for about a year, and already the class will not be offered next year.

The Orchestra is being disbanded because there aren’t enough people that are interested in it. This year there are only seven people in the Orchestra. Only three people signed up for Orchestra next year.

The Orchestra is composed of the string instruments, which include viola, violin, cello, and harp. In order to even be considered in the class, one must be able to play at least one of those instruments.

The Orchestra can’t run on three different instruments, and therefore the class will be ended before it has even had a chance to take off.

“There is nothing we can do to stop this from happening, unless more people show interest in the class,” Kevin Whitelaw said.

Most of the current Orchestra is composed of seniors, which means that most of the students in it will be graduating this May.

If there is any interest in registering for this class, talk to Mr. Whitelaw about enrollment.

In order to be accepted into this prestigious group one must have experience in playing a string instrument and must prove that they can play it by playing for Mr. Whitelaw. His decision decides whether or not one can get into the group. One cannot register for the group until after he gives his opinion.

Sadly because of lack of interest, this won’t be happening next year unless there is more interest.