Day of Silence spreads through the halls of Lewis-Palmer

Day of Silence spreads through the halls of Lewis-Palmer

The official poster for Day of Silence highlights the movement’s goal to support those silenced.

Rose Bork, Ranger Review Reporter

Day of Silence takes place across schools everywhere; it gives a voice to those who are silenced every day.

The movement is about “love, acceptances, and tolerance,” junior Brandon Jackson said.

The club GSA (gay straight alliance) is behind the movement. A table was set up in the front of the building. Some students choose to wear a supportive sticker, while others duct tape their mouth.

Day of Silence provides support to LGBT kids everywhere. Homosexual students are 8.4 times more likely to commit suicide.  Also, 25% to 50% of homeless youth are homosexual.

“It’s really important for people to realize they have support,” social studies teacher Mrs. Swanson said.

Day of Silence was founded in 1996 and has become the largest single student-led action towards creating safer schools everywhere.

“It’s the one day you can say what you believe. Not saying anything is a way of saying everything,” junior Jodie Howard said.