Pinar hurdles over her first year in track

Pinar hurdles over her first year in track

Pinar takes a leap and makes it over that big jump.

Megan Lawson, Ranger Review Reporter

Lewis- Palmer High School junior Holly Pinar began track for the first time this year. This being her first year she had to choose between many different events. Out of the many events she ended up choosing pole vaulting and hurdles.

“Pole vaulting is a really hard sport, and it take a lot of dedication. I really wanted to excel  in a high school sport, and track gave me a wide variety to choose from,” Pinar said. “Hurdling is a good sport for me because I am a dancer, and it comes really easy to me, so I’m pretty good at it.”

Track is a more difficult sport than it is perceived to be. Parents and fans sit in the stands and on the sidelines watching their children and friends compete in event for hours on end. Seeming to be an easy sport, there is more than meets the eye.

“Difficult is a perfect word to describe pole vaulting. It’s really difficult, and my coach told me that it is the second hardest sport next to NASCAR,” Pinar said.

Pinar has also been on the cheer team, and the past year she decided to change sports and switch to track and field. She also still attends dance which she has done most of her life.

Dreaming big and and making her goals high, she wants to achieve them by next year. The minimum height for pole vaulting for girls is 6.5 ft. Pinar in her fist year is already flying over the height of 8.4 ft.

“Next year I hope to accomplish more than 10ft, but that will take a lot of work and dedication, and I am ready to practice hard,” Pinar said.

At the end of the day all of the tiring hard work paid off. When Pinar gets her PR (personal record) at a meet, she feels really good about herself because it’s a great accomplishment.