Teacher evaluation forms could help both students and teachers

Teacher evaluation forms could help both students and teachers

Mrs. Baxter instructs her students on the cat dissection.

Zahra Kiaee, Ranger Review Reporter

A teacher evaluation form could be helpful for the students of Lewis-Palmer to receive the education they want from a public high school. Students should have the option to fill out a form to give feedback to the teachers.

Many teachers at LP find new ways to teach their students because of the more modern times. It would be beneficial for the students of LP to be taught in a way that would make students learn the information the first time it is given.

Some teachers have been teaching the same way for many years, but times have changed, and some students may need to be taught in a different way.

This teacher evaluation form would have students reflect on what they have learned throughout the year and give suggestions to the teachers as to how the students would retain the material.

An evaluation form would not be given to all students because many students would not give constructive criticism. This form would be offered in the front office, so students who want to leave a response would have to take time out of their day to answer.

Hopefully, teachers would find this form to be helpful and constructive rather than a critic about their teaching methods.

Some teachers at Lewis-Palmer already have end of the year evaluation forms. These forms help the teacher realize what is and is not working in their classrooms. It helps them change their curriculum slightly to ensure they do not have to teach students the same information twice.