College football has it all wrong

College football has it all wrong

The NCAA should adopt a playoff system, like the NFL.

Christian Abbatiello, Ranger Review Reporter

The current bowl system, which has existed in Division I football, currently contains 35 different bowl games. Bowl games shouldn’t even exist.


Some bowls, such as the Rose Bowl, are classic contests and are steeped in tradition. But every other major sport has some sort of playoff system, where a team has to play multiple games to prove itself better than the rest.


Next year, College football will have a 4 team playoff between the top ranked teams. This is a very good change, and it needs to be expanded upon. There needs to be a larger playoff bracket installed in college football, with maybe the top 32 ranked teams getting in.


The NCAA is planning on expanding a playoff system in the future, which is good. It gives teams that are perhaps overlooked a better chance to make a statement and prove themselves. The way in which teams are ranked is a whole different story, but there has to be a playoff in College football.


There are too many bowl games right now, and nobody cares about most of them. So we shouldn’t even have them A playoff system would be much more relevant, much more interesting, and much more fair.