Student Council takes Lewis-Palmer on a Serengeti adventure


Lion at the Denver Zoo drinking water.

Jourdan Valentine, Ranger Review Sports Editor

Homecoming. The first school dance of the year. Students, male and female, spend weeks trying to find a date; picking out dresses, and finding places to go out to dinner.

Every year Lewis-Palmer’s Student Council collaborates and decides on a new theme to base the dance off of. Last year’s theme was Candy Land, like the board game, this year student council decided upon A Night on the Serengeti from the movie The Lion King. One of the most popular Disney movies ever made.

Students have not liked the themes for the dance in the past but are excited about this year’s change. Lewis-Palmer is asking whether it will be as exciting as a journey through Africa.

“I think the theme will be very fun but if the decorations are not good it could ruin the dance. I think it will be cool to be able to act like we are in a different country for the night. I just hope there are a lot of animal prints at the dance,” Sophomore Meghan Schaefer said.

The Serengeti could be described as Africa with big open grass fields and all kinds of animals like lions, elephants, giraffes, zebras and many more.

“I love the theme because it’s creative and unique. If will be awesome to act like my friends and I are in Africa. I’m guessing there will be a lot of savannah colors like brown, orange, and yellow,” Junior Marissa Fitt said.

As Lewis-Palmer takes their students on a voyage to start the year with a boom come and join as student council takes everyone on an exciting night. There will be beautiful sunsets and scenery for everyone to enjoy all night as they dance the night away on the Serengeti.