Freshman are tomorrow’s leaders


Freshman Dayton Madison is signing up to participate in his first high school Homecoming!

Strydr Silverberg, Ranger Review Reporter

High School is a time for learning, exploring, and playing, but before one can get to any of that; they have to be a Freshman. Freshmen are the lowest of the classmen. Yet, they are still having a great time. New experiences, people, and places all contribute to the excitement of high school, and every single Freshman is feeling this.

“I think high school is great. I really like the teachers and I feel like they trust us more than in middle school.” said freshman, Christine Moore.

However, the more freedom that is granted, the more responsibility is expected.

“Classes are harder to get to,” says Moore, “and the teachers are not as tolerant of late assignments.”

Freshmen are just now learning the meaning of school spirit, as well as learning how to balance school and extra-curricular activities. Everything that the upper classmen know, freshman are learning.

Despite the fact that this time is enjoyable, it is also a time for building character. New chances open up that make life-impacting decisions that could lay out the path for the rest of their lives. Freshmen are not only tomorrow’s upper-classmen, as well as the leaders of tomorrow.

The decisions they make may help their character and help them make better decisions in the future. Freshmen are the next world leaders, and it all begins the day they walk through the front doors of high school.