Off-campus lunch spots


Elizabeth Reich is eating her lunch in the fish bowl.

Abby Weingart, Ranger Review Reporter

Each day, lunch time approaches at Lewis Palmer High School and it’s the time for the students to make the ultimate decision of what to do for lunch.  Since the school has recently increased in size, students find it easiest to go off campus instead of battling for a spot in the fish bowl.

In Monument, there aren’t a lot of places to choose from for lunch, but the students manage to find a spot to eat.

“Village Inn is my favorite off-campus lunch spot because we get free pie on Wednesday and I love pie.” junior, Courtney Sardi.

Since the students only get 45 minutes for lunch, many people end up eating at a fast food restaurant such as Taco Bell, or McDonalds.  Though fast food isn’t the healthiest option, students eat it anyway in order to get back to school on time.

For a healthier alternative, students who live close to the school often go home and make their own food.

“I go home during off, but I don’t have time during lunch to go home since I live too far away.” Sardi said.

Off-campus lunch spots are becoming more popular even though there are few lunch spots in Monument.