Seniors get admissions anxiety


Seniors get admission’s anxiety this fall.

Taylor Felver, Ranger Review Reporter

As Lewis-Palmer high school’s seniors prepare to live through the last and best year of high school, one thing is feared and anticipated for every senior. The process of going through college applications can be stressful and time consuming.

“Finding the time to apply with AP classes and volleyball on top of writing extra essays and doing extra things for college is hard” senior Carson Nicodemus said.

These days, seniors are feeling added pressure due to the increased number of applications and competition to be involved in the most extracurricular activities, letter in every sport, and have a more than desirable GPA. Despite this frenzy, college provides opportunities to explore outside of high school, so seniors are eager to start the application process and test his or her on the designated chances of getting into their dream colleges.

“I love my family but eighteen years is a long time, I want to get out of the house and be independent which is what I’m looking forward to.” said senior Kayla Tabone.

It’s not just the applying directly to the school that makes most seniors shake in their boots, but applying for scholarships too. There are many scholarships to apply for, but not everyone can receive one.

“There is a scholarship for students who excel in academics called the Presidential scholarship. They give out five or six awards for students with good SAT or ACT scores, and the scholarship can be up to a full four year scholarship, which I was suggested by a counselor for,” Nicodemus also said.

Every college is on the prowl for successful 2014 graduates who will add spunk and bring something new to the table, each senior at Lewis Palmer certainly has unique attributes to contribute.