Students Halloween plans and ideas


Ticket booth at Haunted Mines.

Macayla Trottner, Ranger Review Reporter

With Halloween less than a week away many people are making plans and getting their costumes. Between your midterms, work, and trying to make plans for Halloween, things maybe a little chaotic. Whatever your plans may be make it a memorable and thrilling, put yourself out of your comport zone. “I don’t think I will be doing anything for Halloween besides sit at home and hand out candy. I might watch some movies and then catch up on some sleep,” sophomore Lilly Valentine said. Although you may enjoy a nice relaxing night in your room try putting yourself out there and hanging out with friends. It will be more enjoyable and a night to remember. A few things that are scary and thrilling things to do on Halloween are getting together with some friends and having a little party. Also, the Haunted mines is open up until the 30th and is always a fun way to spend Halloween. After all Halloween only comes once a year, and it’s a good excuse to dress up and have fun. You can have a night to yourself any day you want, make this night exhilarating.