Many moles to come


Gabrielle Broeker, Ranger Review Reporter

The celebration of Mole Day was held on Wednesday, October 23 this year. All of the Chemistry and AP Chemistry classes celebrated this day in their classes with a party. Mole Day revels the number 620,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 6.20 x 10^23. This number has been significant to chemist for a very long time.

I have Chemistry with Mrs. Thompson fifth period and I really enjoyed the party we had. There were a copious amount of creative ideas expressed through food.

I brought cupcakes and put animal crackers on top of them giving the name of Ani”mole” Cupcakes. There were many other ideas including pretzels with Hershey kisses and M&M’s that looked like moles digging their holes.

In addition to all the food, our class colored moles and had a great time. Although I don’t know what the mole number is, I look forward to learning more about it. I am now more interested in taking AP Chemistry next year.