Thor: The Dark World released after long anticipation


These tickets were used to get into a showing of Thor 2 at the Regal Interquest Stadium 14 theater.

Olivia Kaiser, Ranger Review Reporter

Theaters around the world had fans flocking to them in a frenzy to see the new movie Thor: The Dark World.

This movie, the sequel to Thor, was even more anticipated after fans became obsessed with the Marvel franchise. The Avengers hit theaters May 4th, 2012, causing fans to fawn over a movie filled with action and super heroes. Since the release, fans have been begging for sequels to the movies, such as Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and a second Avengers movie.

The fans got their wish.

On November 8th, 2013, Thor: The Dark World hit theaters. The second Thor movie made a global haul of $479.8 million in a single weekend alone. Every Marvel fan wanted to see it.

There wasn’t much fans disliked about the movie, but there is always something. One strong dislike was the ending.  Probably the most popular dislike, however, was the character Jane Foster, who plays the love interest of Thor.

“I thought she was really flaky and two dimensional. She wasn’t really entertaining to watch on screen. I’m not fond of the actress Natalie Portman either. She might have been better if she was played by someone else,” sophomore Emma Grothe said.

Overall, the movie was a hit. Many dedicated fans watched the movie not only once, but multiple times.

A particular favorite of many was Loki’s (Loki is the brother of Thor) biting humor in this particular movie. While he had always played the antagonist, in this film he was the hero, fighting along-side his brother.

“Loki’s humor really added a lot to both the movie and his character. He wasn’t the usual reformed character he was in his previous appearances. It really made him more interesting as well as lightened the mood in some of the more heavy parts of the film. Plus, he gave me a bunch more catch phrases. I use them frequently,” sophomore Catherine Best said.

All in all, Thor: The Dark World is a movie all Avengers fans should see. It is sure to be a hit.