Students cram for end of semester finals


Students use the high tech space to gather and study for finals.

Olivia Kaiser, Ranger Review Reporter

As the fall semester of 2013 draws to a close, students are becoming more and more stressed; cramming for last minute tests and finals.

Students often start off the year strong, coast as the year goes on, and cram as soon as Thanksgiving Break is over. It seems to be a pattern among many.

Finals occur at the end of the semester for almost every class, and no student is exempt from them. They are also a common source of a great deal of stress among many.

Here at Lewis-Palmer High School, finals are worth 20% of a final grade, and can make or break a grade for the semester. Many students realize this and strive to do the best they can.

Students have many different methods of preparing for finals. Some lock themselves in their rooms, some study with a friend, some have study parties, and some just blow it off all together, deciding they’ll hope for the best. The majority, though, do not blow off their finals, but study using a combination of methods.

Finals are a big deal for the majority of students, but those who keep their grades up throughout the year do not regard them as too much of a problem.

“It all depends on the class and how well I’m doing in it, but I usually just do the study guides and look over my notes. I really don’t start cramming until the night before. I really only study for about an hour, though. That’s about when I feel I’m ready. Or I just get really bored,” sophomore Hannah Adams said.

But a few students are more laid back then most and don’t really study much.

“I find finals more relaxing than normal classes. I know what’s coming and have time to sleep in. Plus there’s no homework to worry about. I look over notes and worksheets a couple of times, but I mostly don’t study unless there’s something that’s been confusing me,” sophomore Catherine Best said.

Overall, finals can be stressful for people without good grades, but if the grades are good, finals aren’t too much to worry about.