What it takes to play fall sports

What it takes to play fall sports

Adam Vandenbos, Ranger Review Reporter

Playing fall sports requires a lot of preparation and many requirements. Any sport during this time interferes with school. That means during the offseason, being healthy and fit will help during the season.

“This pre-season, I made sure to work a lot harder than I have before because now it means a lot to become a good athlete. Being a student is also hard to keep up with. During the offseason I trained more than a lot of other people because I really want to be able to go as far as I can in lacrosse. Yes, keeping up with school is also very challenging but it’s important,” said junior Keaton Campbell.

“Yes, I have trained more than usual because I want to be able to be one of the best. It affects my school work but I have to work around it to be able to keep up. Toughest challenge is probably being able to keep up with both school and training,” said junior AJ Vanderbeck.
School is hard to balance with sports. Keeping up with classes is important because of all the other time being spent on the sport. Grades are an important part of school sports too. If bad grades are present, then being able to play may be taken away.

During the offseason, the preparation is crucial. Preparing for fall sports include of eating good, training, sleep, and making the right choices. If this is not followed, the regular season may not be as smooth as expected.