Which technology provider is the best around: Apple or Windows?


Logan Bryson, Ranger Review Reporter

With head to head battles in today’s 21st century technology, Apple and Microsoft compete at an enormous level within today’s cellphone and computer devices. With opinions on both Microsoft and Apple products, it is hard to know which one will become the best in the near future.

Apple products, coming right off the assembly line and into a person’s hand, are a very reliable, fast, and is a well thought out technology. With the speed and great abilities of the Apple products, many choose Apple over Windows.

Microsoft products, right off the assembly line, are not near as fast as Apple; though they are very reliable products and are helpful for the everyday human. Microsoft phones are very smart and just as good in most parts as the Apple phones. Because the Apple phone was the biggest hit in the first place, Microsoft phones are not as popular but are slowly becoming better than Apple.

Many people agree that whether someone has a Microsoft or an Apple product, they have to stay with the same that product with everything to ensure compatibility with each other. The Apple products are also not very compatible with anything unless it’s made by Apple, whereas the Microsoft devices can work with more than just the Microsoft software.

With people leaning toward both the Apple and Microsoft products, the business of the future of technology is a big battle and a huge future impact of the next century. Apple and Microsoft both have very good products and are important in today’s world. As they battle head to head, who knows what product will become the biggest in the end.