Unknown students spread joy to Lewis-Palmer student-body


Jordyn Spresser is one of the many students touched by this random act of kindess.

Michelle Poling, Ranger Review Reporter

At 5:00 a.m. on Monday, February 3, 2014, two anonymous Lewis-Palmer students hung hearts on the lockers of students. They got a list of all of the occupied lockers and taped a heart with a note on it for every student. A custodian said that they did it so everyone would feel special, for the Valentines season.

When I walked into the school this morning, the atmosphere of the school felt sweeter. It made me feel like someone actually cared. At first I thought it was student council, but after learning it was two students who did this on their own, it made it seem more personal. These hearts have different compliments on each of them.

This little act of kindness had a lot of thought and time put into it. All of the students should appreciate that these students had everyone in mind when they put this together.  This just goes to show what a wonderful community and school Lewis-Palmer really is.