Valentine’s Day gift ideas

Valentines Day gift ideas

Macayla Trottner, Ranger Review Reporter

Every Valentine’s Day seems to come up so fast every year. Weather the day is spent with a boyfriend, best friend or even by yourself there are many cute and adorable ways to spend your day.

“I’m planning on spending my day with my boyfriend. He planned a date night for us, and all he told me was when to be ready by,” sophomore, Kaitlyn Lewis said.

A surprise date night is the perfect way to shock your date. It’s spontaneous and exhilarating, especially because it’s not the traditional planned out dinner date and a movie.

“For Valentine’s Day I’m going to be giving my boyfriend a present each day of the week up until the day. I made sure I knew all of his favorite candies and food,” sophomore, Tatianna Saunders said.

Saunders took control this valentines this year by giving her boyfriend awesome presents. Everyone loves candy, so this is a really good way to make Valentine’s Day memorable