LINK crew braves cold


Lauren Manney, Ranger Review Editor

The LINK crew at Lewis-Palmer High School, kicked off the annual freshman tailgate at the first home football game on September 12th, 2014. LINK is a group of upperclassmen, that is specifically chosen to help guide ninth graders as they begin their first year of high school. The many LINK members braved the forty degree cold weather, to still host the barbecue, while the cold front turned others away.  Bundled up in coats, hats, gloves and scarves the LINK advisers and crew members managed to grill burgers as well as other various food items.  The scarce number of freshmen seemed to only plummet as the wind picked up and the air turned colder.

“I went to the barbeque for a little while. It was fun to see my friends and LINK leaders but most people ended up leaving or not even showing up. I think it would have been way more fun had the weather been warmer. But it’s still really cool that the LINK leaders went through with it even if it didn’t turn out as planned.” Andrew Braun, freshman said.

Overall the only compliant about the tailgate was the uncooperative weather. However, the event still excited its participants for the football game and brought LINK leaders and freshmen closer together.