The Anime Club is a fun club


Ryan Cambell (Junior) enjoying a nap on some anime known as Dragon Ball Z

Dakota Barvian, Ranger Review Reporter

Anime club is a fun club for watching anime with many friends. This allows a lot of room for joking around with friends. Ran by Lauran Pleuw and administrated by Mr. LaSage, the club allows anyone to bring in snacks, the next series and even games for the whole group. The latest Smash bros game seems to be a hit along with the series “Attach on Titan.” Cosplay, which is dress up time as a character, is also big in the club. Some members were asked some questions about what it is like to have the similar interests as what the club is.

“My favorite series would have to be Pokemon, because what is their not to love about it.” Bryan Bachmann said.

Many members enjoy the series, “Attack on Titan” and “Naruto.

The Anime club offers many activities, and encourages students to give it a try.