The Last Witch Hunter Review

The Last Witch Hunter Review

Vaughn Bassett, Reporter

Vaughn Bassett


The Last Witch Hunter was a fantasy action movie released on October 23, 2015. The film starred Vin Diesel who plays the last witch hunter alive. The film was initially announced in the early months of 2012. Filming was supposed to begin in February of 2013 but was delayed due to the death of Paul Walker which also delayed the filming Furious 7. After switching around directors and writers the film finally began production in 2014 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The film received fairly low scores across the board receiving no higher than an average rating of 50%. What makes this movie so bad? Is it the story, the characters, or even the visuals?

The story begins during the time of the black plague when a group of witch hunters go to defeat the Witch Queen, the one who cursed all of Europe with the plague. The hunters reach the fortress of the queen and are picked off one by one until only a few remain. One of the lucky few is Kalder played by Vin Diesel. Kalder gets trapped in a room with the queen and is forced to fight her alone. Eventually Kaulder does infact kill the queen but is cursed with immortality. Then the story pans to the modern world of 2015 in which Kaulder now has a modern appearance yet he still hunts witches. One night Caulder’s assistant was killed due to a witch attack. This lead Kaulder on an adventure towards vengeance. On this adventure Kaulder uncovers a plot to resurrect the witch queen which must be stopped.

Overall the story is very generic and is done in just about every fantasy action movie in which the story revolves around the main character. To say the least the movie was more predictable than the weather in Southern California. Which is a shame really because for the most part the character development was good and the visuals for the most part really helped the fight scenes be great. The characters alone make this movie rewatchable which is good because a sequel is made possible due to the end of the picture.

Even Though the story was bland the the characters, fight scenes, and visuals were enough to save this move, so the final rating is 7.5/10