The Home Stretch

Nikki Clark, Ranger Review Reporter

With the school year coming to a close and only 33 days left and even less for seniors, not including weekends. The students are eager to finish off the school year, more than half of the school is busy studying for the AP, Advanced Placement, exams going on in early May and even thIMG_0916e Pre-ACT and ACT’s.  

The seniors are busy planning their senior prank and getting ready for their last high school dance; prom. Also busy with getting accepted to colleges and finding out who their roommates will be, they are just about done with high school and are excited to start their journey to the next part of their lives. They are getting both closer and farther apart with their friends. The learning portion of school does not seem as important to them, but they are sentimental to all their “lasts” that their experiencing.

“I’m looking forward to graduating and finishing my online chemistry class because it’s been pretty stressful this past year. I’m sleeping a lot and I’m just kind of thinking about having the mindset that if I don’t do well then I’m not going to graduate, so that pushes me harder to get through everything. I’m really over it. I’m tired and I don’t want to be here. I just want to graduate,” Emma Thompson, 12, will be attending CSU, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, said.

The juniors are busy staying up late and using all of their spare time to study for the ACT’s, AP exams, and maybe even the SAT’s. Students are just starting to think about college and what they want to do. They are looking forward to being at the top of the school and finally do not have to care too much about getting the rest of their requirements for graduation. Many may be busy planning for their first prom. It’s been rumored that junior year is the hardest year, but also the most fun.

“I’m very stressed out about AP exams. I’m going to take it one day at a time. It’s really all you can do. I’m really excited to become a senior. It’s probably not going to be much different because I already have an off period. But there’s still SWAG and stuff like that. I have 4 AP classes I’m going to be taking next year. I’m actually really excited about all of them because I’m interested in every single subject,” Mallory Lager, 11 said.

The sophomores are excited to be an upperclassmen. It seems as if they are just starting to settle into high school. They know which teachers are good and which are scary. The students are starting to become the best at their sport and are more than likely going to make the Varsity team next year. The sophomores are busy studying, or not, for the Pre-ACT’s. They are starting to understand themselves and who they really are and who they want to become.

“I’m going to be doing my homework and showing up so I don’t have to come back during summer and do what I need to do. I’m looking forward to cheer being over until summer and not having as much homework because it’s almost the end of the year. I’m feeling pretty good about becoming an upperclassman. I’ll be closer to the end of highschool. I’m excited about having an off period,” Gabby Nehme, 10, said.

The freshman are pumped that they are not going to be “those annoying freshman” anymore. They are done with their first year of high school. This year, most of them started to learn how to drive, went to their first high school dance, got into competitive sports, and took their first real finals. They stepped into high school probably nervous about what they were walking into but soon learned that not every high school is like the movies. Su
re, people get annoyed with them because they’re still learning but most upperclassmen are helpful and kind; they were in their shoes once too.

“I think the last few weeks of classes are going to be harder but I’m going to know how to handle them better. There going by pretty quickly and I’ll definitely be studying a lot. I think next year will be a lot better because we already know the school and how it works. It’s not going to be as new to us. I’ll like it a lot because we’re not the last grade anymore,” Madi Heins, 9, said.

After spring break seems to be the time when it seems that Senioritis is not only kicking in for seniors. The freshman are finally not going to be at the bottom. The sophomores are going to be upperclassmen. And the juniors are preparing for their last year of high school.