Bernin’ down the house with The Strokes


Photo credit Creative commons Bernie Sanders is a democrat running for president. He is speaking at one of his rallies.

Lindsey Manor, Ranger review reporter

According to The Hill, Bernie Sanders is now leading the democratic debate by 15 points. Bernie Sanders is a democrat running for President in the 2020 election. Sanders is using new ways, including holding concerts at his rallies, to reach out to people and gain new supporters. Many bands have stepped up to offer support for Sanders and have played concerts at his rallies. 


On January 31st and February 1st, Vampire Weekend and Bon Iver played concerts for the Iowa caucus. The Strokes decided they would play a concert titled “Get Out The Vote” in support of Sanders on February 10th, the day of the New Hampshire primary.

The concert was at 5:30 at the Whittemore Center Arena in Durham, New Hampshire. Sanders is getting creative and gaining support with all these concerts that are being held in support of him. 

The Strokes’ lead singer, Julien Casablancas, has been talking about how he is looking forward to the concert.

“We are honored to be associated with such a dedicated, diligent, and trustworthy patriot and fellow native New Yorker!” Casablancas said, according to an article done by Pitchfork.

The band members of The Strokes are big fans and supporters of Bernie Sanders due to Sanders being very non-corporate. They believe that his non-corporate stances are going to benefit America as a democracy. 

“As the only truly non-corporate candidate, Bernie Sanders represents our only chance to overthrow corporate power and help return America to democracy. This is why we support him” Casablancas said.

So far, The Strokes are the latest band to play in support of Sanders. At the concert, they are offering VIP seating for any volunteers who knock on more than 250 doors in New Hampshire. The concert is also first come, first served with no tickets required.

These concerts seem to be helping Sanders gain support and get closer to receiving the nomination. Sanders won the New Hampshire primary and is leading the polls by 32%, according to the Washington post and ABC news.