Snowball is glowing with good times


Anders Arneson

Erika Hartel 12 and Josiah Guerrero 12 accepting their crowns and sashes at the glowball dance after being announced Snowball King and Queen at the school’s assembly the day before.

Macee Trottner, Editor

On February 2, 2019, the Student Council hosted the annual snowball dance in the commons. The dance took place 7:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. The theme this year was glowball and decorations consisted of posters covered with neon paint, glow sticks hanging from the ceiling, and black lights.

As opposed to last semester’s homecoming dance, the snowball dance allowed every student that bought tickets prior to the dance in the doors. To avoid students being told they could not attend the dance, Student Council did not allow any of the students to purchase tickets at the door.

The glowball theme was a controversial topic, being that the theme was repeated from four years ago. This year’s seniors who attended snowball their freshman year had already been to a glow themed dance. One student, Matthew Spring 12, said that it bothered him that Student Council repeated a school dance theme, but because it was a glowball theme, he enjoyed it still.

“I believe that Student Council improved the glowball theme immensely from freshman year,” Spring said. “This year’s dance was by far more fun and enjoyable to attend because the decorations and music were better than four years ago.”

Another student, Cayla Young 12, stated that she also enjoyed this year’s glowball more than her freshman year. She also felt as though Student Council did a better job on the decorations and overall execution of the dance itself.

“I liked this year’s glowball better because the decorations and the lights they had made it really fun,” Young said. “My freshman year, glowball was not as much fun because they did not put as much effort into the decorations and I wish they would have just done the glow theme my senior year instead of freshman and senior year.”

Though Spring and Young had similar thoughts about the theme being better than their freshman year, they had contradicting ideas about the dances that Student Council puts on for the school.

“I do not usually enjoy the dances that Student Council put on just because they do not let the students have much input on the themes. They also tend to reuse a lot of the decorations and themes which tends to get boring,” Young said.

On the other hand, Spring believes that Student Council takes more of the students wants into consideration. “I like the dances they put on because it is student-led and not parent-involved, meaning that Student Council knows more of what the students want. Although, I did not like how they put a limit on the amount of students who could attend the dance,” Spring said.