Effects of the new finals schedule


Macee Trottner

With finals week approaching, students start to prepare themselves for testing.

Macee Trottner, Ranger Review Reporter

Students at Lewis-Palmer High School are preparing for finals week. Finals will take place two and a half weeks after Thanksgiving break. This year the high school has decided to begin the final tests on a Thursday.

Finals, in the past, usually begin on a Monday and finish by the end of the week. Due to the fact that finals are starting on a Thursday, the students will have the weekend in between their eight tests. There are varying feelings about this decision.

One student, Jessica Allen 10 is on the edge about how she feels that finals start in the middle of the week and continue the week after. She will be taking the weekend in between to focus on her remaining finals and study the class’ notes and material.

“It is hard to say whether this new schedule will be beneficial or not because it gives a good time to study but there is also a break in between review periods and finals where it could become hard,” Allen said.

With this break in between test days, the students do not get out as early for winter break as they normally would. Some students are upset about the effect that the schedule change has on the day the school gets out for break.

“The only reason I do not enjoy having finals start on a Thursday is because it pushes break back to a later date,” Allen said. “But I think that this new schedule is interesting and might be an improvement to previous years because students are able to study the weekend in between instead of having to stress having the finals all in one week.”

Teachers and students are curious to see how the new schedule will effect the tests and whether the break will be beneficial. The teachers are beginning to hand out the review guides for semester finals giving the students a few weeks to study the material.

“I am not too stressed for the new finals schedule but it could be hard for some people to take a break in between all of their finals,” Allen said. “It can sometimes be hard to take a test when the material is not fresh in your mind, but I think the break will be nice for me so I get some extra time to study.”

Recently, some students taking Biology and Chemistry had tests that students said was going to be difficult and because of a snow day on Friday, November 18 the students in those classes had to wait until Thanksgiving break was over to take the test. The students in those classes said it was harder to take the test after the break because the material was taught a week and a half earlier.

Because the students are getting a break in between finals, the material for the tests will be given to students before the break and some students have said they are worried to take the test. Finals will begin on December 15, 2016 and students are hoping it will be beneficial having a break during testing days.