Fires engulf California again


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Smoke fills the air as the 2018 Carr fire burns through California. “Damages from the fires ripping across California could run as high as $25.4 billion, and the risks are bound to keep rising,”

Kaitlyn McGuffee, Ranger Review Reporter

California wildfires have been increasing in number over the past couple of years due to the increase of fire danger. According to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, there have been 6,190 fire incidents in California in just the year of 2019. 

Droughts, extreme winds, dry vegetation, and climate change are all important factors of this trend. Because of these fires, many people have lost their homes, loved ones, and millions or even billions of dollars in cleanup expenses.

“Climate change makes wildfires and other extreme weather events more likely,” PG&E CEO Geisha Williams said in an interview for Time

The wildfires not only affect the residences that have to evacuate, but it also affects all of California. The debris from the fire and the smoke can put many at risk for health problems, and along with homes being damaged, businesses and the landscape of California are also at stake. 

“Damages from the fires ripping across California could run as high as $25.4 billion, and the risks are bound to keep rising,” Bloomberg stated in an article. 

Battalion Chief Amy Head, a spokeswoman for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, stated her opinion on the responsibility of each individual.  “It’s important for us to know the causes to hopefully prevent more of those fires in the future, and also to determine who’s possibly responsible,” Head said.