Is Antifa anything good? Probably not.


Antifa members protesting in the wake of Trump’s election.

Blake Bassett, Ranger Review Reporter

Antifa is a political anti-fascist “protest group” but really, just a bunch of anarchists. They are infamous for their protest tactics which include verbal and physical violence and, property damage. The group tends to be anti-government and anti-capitalist, while they hang on the extremist and militant left of the political spectrum.

They say that the group’s focus is fighting far-right views and white supremacist views and people, rather than promoting leftist views, but that seems to be not true at all. Another goal of theirs is to replace our economic system that uses money with something that makes income and the economy even for everyone. So members of Antifa are communists essentially, and They are too spoiled and too unwilling to work hard in life, essentially they’d prefer incomes equal and handed to them on a plate.

But how do others feel about Antifa’s beliefs? Lewis-Palmer High School sophomore student Jake Carlson said “I don’t like them, I feel like they’re trying to manipulate people into pissing others off. I mean I really feel like their sole purpose in existence is to make people mad.”

Now everything has spiraled out of control. This really doesn’t look like a group for good, or even an anti-fascist group anymore. They’re just a bunch of anarchist communists who want to seize power through their violent marches.  

Matthew Malloy, a sophomore at Lewis-Palmer High School stated on his opinion about their marches and their progress from them, “ I think it’s going backward for them, the more and more worse the riots get, the more the left won’t accept it. At the beginning, during the inauguration of Trump, there were many riots that the left and the media acknowledged and they said it was “peaceful” but it really wasn’t. I wouldn’t call them protests, I’d call them riots, that they’ve lead throughout the last nine to ten months of Trump’s presidency to such an extreme degree that a lot of leftists are not agreeing with Antifa anymore because they’re starting to say, ‘Hey, this isn’t ok.’”  

Try imagining 400 million people making nearly the same amount of money. The average yearly income of Americans is $50,000 a year, under communist rule, it would be cut by way more than half because of the support needed by the state. The extreme effects this would have on the economy would be a 2nd Great Depression, one far worse than the first. But the people in control, Antifa members, make more money than everyone else, taking advantage of the people and the economy.

Antifa makes no sense at all. They say that they’re anti-fascist but really they’re not. They want power, and nothing more. They also say that they just want to fight white supremacist people and ideas, but that’s not the half of it; they are a selfish, anti-capitalist and anti-government group.  Just like Antifa, their proposed form of government is bound to fall apart. They are loosely organized and bound together by hate and violence. Then if Antifa is met with extreme force, Antifa will fall apart.