The Holiday Light Hangers


Riley Putnicki

Ornament hangs on the tree as the Sciacca family gets ready for Christmas

Riley Putnicki, Ranger Review Reporter

“My favorite part of decorating is hanging up Christmas lights,” Mckenna Sciacca,9, said.

Christmas decorating has been a tradition in many countries for over a thousand years. Over the years, Christmas decorating has become a part of the American culture. Every year more people start decorating earlier and there are more injuries that occur.

“I think people put up decorations so their house looks good,” said Emily Roma,11.

56% of people, according to the Alabama Poll in 2009, put their decorations up on the day after Thanksgiving, which is also known as Black Friday.

“I put my Christmas decorations up on December 2nd with my family and listen to Christmas music,”  Roma said.

According to the RoSPA, The Royal Secretary for Preventing Accidents, says that on average 1,000 people per year injure themselves trying to hang up and take down decorations. The number has increased by 250 cases since 2013.

“People risk hanging up lights because it makes them happy or it could just be tradition for their family,” said Sciacca.

Lights hang up on houses this season
Riley Putnicki
Lights hang up on houses this season

Falling off a ladder is the most dangerous part of decorating. Hanging up lights is a Christmas tradition that is getting threatening with each light string hung. Taking the lights down with uneven surfaces and shaky ladders comes down to common sense according to Sciacca.

“They should find a ladder that’s stable,” Roma said, “Maybe if they have a roof, they could hang them up from on top so the person doesn’t fall off.”

For Sciacca, along with hanging lights, the most dangerous part of decorating for the holiday season is the possibility of getting electrocuted. Though people still hang up lights every year.

Sciacca said “I would hang my decorations because it boosts the holiday spirit.”
The holiday spirit continues to reign over the holiday light hangers.

Christmas Trees in Monument
Riley Putnicki
Christmas Trees in Monument