The word “push” is becoming quite the popular word at Lewis-Palmer High School


Logan Bryson, Ranger Review Reporter

Lewis-Palmer High School students are beginning to say a certain word on campus that just started from a few students. They say “push” with no reasons and it just makes them laugh. You can walk through the halls and just hear it everywhere you go. Students yell it back and forth in the halls and just have fun announcing “push”.

When a few students started saying “push”, the word started getting around and now is being said by almost 50% of the student body. The word “push” means absolutely nothing and students just use it to replace any subject or verb.

“Push” can also be said as “pulsh” or “pushl” meaning the same thing, but to add a little emphasis. Students say “nice push” which when most people are confused, is usually a compliment that is just made up.

Push is a common word in the dictionary but in this case has nothing to do with that definition. All because a few students began saying “push” the word got around and has a whole different “meaning”. LP students are starting a whole new trend and it’s just the beginning.