Hogwarts Is Here

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Molly Reynolds, Ranger Review Webmaster

A new website, www.hogwartsishere.com, has taken the internet by storm recently. Hogwarts Is Here presents the fantastical school from the popular series Harry Potter as an online education system. The site is completely free and volunteer supported, meaning anyone can experience this magical website.

When someone signs up for the site, they choose their house and start as a first year; they are put in a dorm, and sign up for lessons. The site features the full range of classes that one would take were they really attending Hogwarts, and includes readable textbooks, assignments, and tests. At the end of the nine week course, students progress to the next year of schooling. The best thing about the site is that assignments don’t have to be turned in at a specific time; students are given as long as they need to complete them.

Hogwarts is Here lets muggle-born students attend the school that they’ve always wanted to go to.