The stuff of Powder Puff


Senior and underclassmen Powder Puff players run toward each other to high five post-game.

Veronica Meredith, Ranger Review Reporter

Flags flew in the Powder Puff face-off held on the football field Tuesday night between orange and black; seniors and underclassmen girls, respectively.
Excitement and assurance of victory could be seen on both sides, from the players to their coaches.
“We have a bunch of hard-working ladies, and hopefully they can get the big W,” senior Hank Kuntzelman, right tackle for the Rangers football team, serving as a coach of the seniors’ powder puff team said.
On the sidelines, the male cheerleaders for the day rooted for the players, sporting borrowed cheerleading uniforms that just barely fit. The boys could be seen going wild and leading the crowd with ease upon their team scoring a touchdown.
The cheerleaders and sign-toting fans weren’t the only attendees. Student council had a bake sale during the game to fund the charity organization Make-a-Wish in order to assist in Lewis-Palmer’s goal to raise $8,000. The group said that it felt good to raise money not for the sake of funding a school event but to help out someone else.
The teams practiced the previous weekend in preparation for the game in order to learn plays, novices and veterans to the game alike. Seniors had practice both Saturday and Sunday, while the underclassmen had one practice Sunday. In accordance with their scores and enthusiasm, their hard work paid off.
There were exciting plays on both sides, but in the end, the senior Rangers earned their spurs and won the game with a score of 26 to 7.