Mature rating and its reactants

Dakota Barvian, ranger review reporter

The ranger zone recently  instated a new rule that bans mature rated content to be viewed on any of the monitors. The school does not view this as being problematic   but some students have different opinions regarding this new this rule.

“Honestly, I can understand why the school needs to imply that rule, but I think we are all adults here and can handle it. And it isn’t like M [mature rated] games are actually that bad, ” senior, Lennix Carago said.

The rule was created in order to stop students from watching something that could possibly disturb themselves or others. Some students might be sensitive to the material being viewed which needs to be respected. The reasons behind this new policy have good intentions, however it seems too strict. High school students should be mature enough to decide what they want, or don’t want to see.

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