Soccer team prepares to crush the opposition


Dylan Turner motivates Saul Mendez before crossfit.

Owen Zielinski, Ranger Review Reporter

The sounds of exertion are heard as sweat drips throughout the room. The Lewis-Palmer High School soccer players are hard at work, but not on the field. The soccer team has taken to the weight room.

Crossfit is a new workout program designed by coaches Jay Drake and Brian Barkey as a way to keep soccer players fit in the off season and prepare for club season and next year’s High School season.

“My favorite part about crossfit is getting to socialize with my friends,” Dylan Turner, 10 said. “It’s just cool to know that I’m a part of a team and that I can exercise and get swole at the same time.”

Participants meet after school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the Lewis-Palmer weight room. Exercises revolve around weight circuits and auxiliary exercises such as squats and throwing 25 pound medicine balls.

“Crossfit is a way to  get stronger and better for next season. It’s important to make sure that each season is better than our last,” Dakota Hartzler, 10 said.

Last year the soccer team experienced a successful season, with the JV team going undefeated. The varsity team was also successful, capping off their season by performing the annual tradition of dying their hair blond.

“Our season was amazing; we ended undefeated and in a state of actually being a team,” Hartzler said.

The soccer team is hoping that with the help of crossfit they will be able to perform better than ever during their various club seasons and on the High School teams.