Getting back into football


The field here at Lewis-Palmer is ready to kick it into high gear too

jackson rorex

As winter is at end, and spring is beginning to blossom here in Monument, Colorado, one of our school’s fall sports team is already it kicking into to high gear. The team currently practices once a week, but they have plans to host a spring camp and to practice hard for the entirety of the summer.
Despite practicing only once a week now, it is still difficult for players to keep up with the early morning schedule, since practice starts at 6 AM and takes place every Monday morning. It Is especially hard for freshman to adapt, since they have never been a part of a program as serious as LP’s.
“Its fun to get back into football, but Monday mornings kinda suck. I guess we do what we can to get in some practice though,” said Zakk Scarborough, freshman.
Practice over the summer is one of the main things that makes Lewis-Palmer Football. Practice will be taking place nearly everyday this summer. At these practices sophomores through seniors will be practicing together while freshman have a separate practice time of their own. For incoming sophomores, these early morning and summer practices are their first chance to actually practice with upperclassmen.
“we practiced separate from each other during the summer, practice separately from each other during the season, and we played on a separate team from any of the upperclassmen. But now we get to play and practice with the other grades and it’s a lot more fun.” Scarborough said.
The main purpose of practice for now is for the players to learn the new offensive and defensive strategies and plays.
“It is good to learn new things now, that way we don’t have to spend half of the summer doing walkthroughs. It will definitely help us in becoming a much better team next year.” Scarborough said.
Common coach philosophy says that practice makes perfect, and the more practice the better, so getting these pre season practices insures the the fate of next years team.